A New 5 Part Essay by Jeffrey Seelman - March 2024
Chapter 3 - The Dividing Line
Yes, I was born in 1959 with a hefty dose of psychic ability. I was able to see spirits (sometimes) and both see and keenly feel emotional energies around me when I was a young boy and that has become even stronger very day as I write this at 64 years of age. I started my work professionally in 1992 in order to help people with negative emotional energy issues in their body's energy fields as well as in their living and working environments. I also deal with spirits with bad intentions.
I think everybody has psychic abilities. Everyone is psychic. Psychic ability is perception, nothing more yet nothing less. It is simply true. We speak to each other not only on verbal levels but also on nonverbal levels all the time. It's like a river that runs between us and yet this river contains information and emotions. And everyone has access to this river. This includes all sentiment living beings and also spirits. This is science and there is nothing we can do about this. It is natural, it is not going to go away, we cannot stop it from happening, we should not stop it from happening, yet we can learn how to control and filter out negative emotional energies from entering into our emotional systems and shaping our thoughts and emotions in a controlling or negative way.
One Foot in Each World - Living on Both Sides at Once
In each book that I have created, and every essay that I write including television and radio appearances throughout the years I share something about myself. So let me tell you about something that happened to me, of the many things that have happened to me that you may or may not find of interest. It pertains to why I am writing this essay in the first place.
When I first started my work professionally in 1992, I was sitting up in my apartment in Milwaukee Wisconsin at the time, reading a book. I really don't remember which book it was but it was probably not metaphysical or spiritual in any way. I already studied for a decade after getting out of the United States Air Force, and I was essentially reading for pleasure then, not work.
It was about 9 PM at night, 2100 in world time and I was completely sober in every way. No alcohol, no drugs. Not tired. Suddenly, I was somewhere else. I was standing next to a short man with brown skin and very long dark hair who was standing on a hill in the sunshine. He was wearing what appeared to be possibly a grass skirt of some kind, but no shirt.
He was looking directly at me and I realize on many levels at once that I was really looking at myself from some other place, some other time perhaps. It was stunning yet comforting at the same time. As I did not initiate this event, I was also little bit concerned. What was this? What was happening? The man kept looking at me and then he began to draw a symbol that I did not understand in the air in front of him. Visually the symbol resembled blue lights that he continued to create very quickly in a pattern. He simply moved his hands through the air yet I could see the symbol that he was drawing or creating in front of him. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing.
Now I could only see him and not myself as I was looking out through my eyes. It's like only part of myself was there.
And without really thinking about it or understanding why, somehow knowing he was about to go someplace but not sure where or how, I jumped on his back. I had the feeling that I probably did not weigh anything and yet I did not know why. But the man did not flinch nor move in any way. Then things happened very quickly.
The very complicated symbol that he had drawn in mid air started to spin, at first slowly and then so quickly I could not follow it. The color turned from blue to white. The man with me on his back jumped into the spinning symbols or one very complicated symbol, I am not sure to this day. But in place of just landing a couple of feet away, we started to move quickly through some kind of tunnel made of lights. The lights were moving quickly and so where we.
I had to count out the time in my mind that we traveled, but I would estimate that it was for about 30 seconds. We ended up close to what looked like grass huts in a group like a small village. For some reason, the man turned around and looked at me and motioned for me to be quiet. I had the feeling at the time that he did not mean that I should not speak, but that I should not move as there was some kind of danger in moving itself. Then I saw something terrible. Some kind of soldiers wearing pieces of metal like breastplate guards carrying swords. They were killing people that did not have weapons. I was no longer on the man's back but actually standing behind him now. For some reason, the soldiers could not see us. I thought they could.
The man again looked at me and began to cry.
I was too petrified to even think straight as I did not know if I could be seen or not. I thought only if I did not move that I could not be seen. Just as quickly and without knowing why, I was on the man's back again and traveling through this tunnel of moving lights. I did not end up back on the sunny hill, but seemed to land back in my apartment sitting up just as I was before, but with one huge difference.
I never really came back.
I felt like I was in two places at once. And I did not like it. I have had interesting things happen to me before in my unusual life. And some things had changed me. But I had never before felt like I was on the other side and in the physical universe at once. I was not even sure what the other side was. But I was there and I could not look away.
Sitting there in my apartment I felt that this would wear off like other experiences before. I was literally waiting for this to happen. I really could not read the book anymore because I could not take my mind off the concept, vision and strong feelings of being equally in both places.
I understand that some people would naturally assume that this might be a good place to be in one's mind. I did not feel that way. Just concentrating and focusing on all that is happening around us is enough for anyone. Having another set of principles to see, essentially another side or universe that would always be there in my mind and vision was not what I wanted. And it did not go away. It never did. Not even now as I write this. The ability to see things as they really are on the other side.
Now it is important to understand that I do not embellish events of my life. That would be a lie and then it would be worthless to read this and that is not something that I can live with or be a part of. When speaking or writing about one's life, I think it is very important, even essential to tell the truth, the absolute truth. That can be painful and that can be revealing. A person can take a great risk explaining the unexplainable. So you don't have to believe what I write, but please understand that everything I write about myself did happen to me exactly as I write it.
Three days after this incident, nothing had changed. I was still on both sides at once. One side of my perception and mind in a nonphysical environment, and one in a very physical world. I was able to see a much more fluid, colorful place while still dealing with my somewhat normal physical life. Not the most pleasant of state of mind to be in. I went to see a friend who was quite metaphysical and well-known professionally to confide that I was frightened because the experience that I had and the changes it brought to me had not gone away nor had dissipated as I expected it would.
This person seemed not so surprised and felt that there would be some resolution. But the only resolution that I really got was that I would simply have to get used to it. And that was the most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life. It literally took months and months for me to adjust seeing two different worlds or universes at once. I had some trouble sleeping for a while. I had some trouble concentrating on my work. I was really hoping that it would just go away or that at least I would be able to control it. That did not happen. I simply had to get used to it.
Was This Useful To Me In Any Way?
The answer is yes. It gave me the opportunity to see spirits more easily and communicate with them more easily. I also realized that all living people on earth communicated on this other level whether they knew it or not and so information was more readily available for my work. And my work is about solving people's problems.
Our emotional energies and feelings are not physical and belong and operate on that other realm too. Our thoughts are nonphysical and they also operate on that other side. Because we are both spirits and living human beings at once, everything that is nonphysical including our personalities operate on that other side. All spirits completely exist on that other side as they are not physical and have no physical components. All of this is natural.
So as time went by I incorporated this new kind of perception to into my work and into my daily life. After the months and years rolled by, it was very clear to me that this would never go away, was engineered by a deeper part of myself and also by spirits that were interested in my work. It got easier through the years, but to this day I still think about that one evening where things changed forever. My perceptions were never to be the same, I would have to live with it and so I might as well use it to benefit others. It made my work a lot stronger and easier to accomplish. That in itself made the whole experience and changes completely worth it to me.
Since that change or experience, I have had many other incredible things happen to me. But nothing that has occurred since that life-changing evening, could come close to how it affected me on such a personal level. Some things that have happened to me since are quite profound and clearly relate to other forces, meaning spirits facilitating changes in me in order to help others. They are in my books and I have wrote about them and spoke about them on radio and television appearances. But this was the most profound thing that ever happened to me. I eventually saw this for what it was: The opportunity to make a greater difference in this world. And that opportunity I have understood now and made use of every day.
Everyone on this planet including all life, yes dogs and cats, insects and the list goes on, are part of this incredible connection.
Would I say that we are one?
Absolutely not. We could not be more unique. Each and every one of us. Just because we are connected to so much more than we all understand, does not mean that we are part of some cosmic batter. We are just strongly connected to each other and so much more.
We human beings are so interesting and have so much to offer. If we only remembered how much we really like each other.
The Violence of the Mind
A New 5 Part Essay by Jeffrey Seelman
Chapter 4 - Shaping Thoughts
Nobody wants to be a victim and nobody should be a victim. In this chapter I am going to teach you how to strengthen your thoughts so that they can do what you want them to do, go where you want them to go and achieve the best results for yourself.
I will explain step-by-step in great detail, how everyone can naturally modify their own thoughts in their own minds to your own satisfaction. Now I am choosing my words very carefully here because I want to make it clear that I am not talking about mind control. I am talking about you controlling your own mind. There is a difference. The idea is to not be susceptible to negative emotional energies generated by other people and spirits with bad intentions. To be able to scan the media without it blowing your thoughts and feelings around like a leaf in the wind. What you think is your own business and through this chapter I intend to keep it that way.
In previous chapters I wrote about where our thoughts begin and how they really end up out in the world, very often forever as charged emotional energies. Thoughts begin at the very center of our soul.
Thoughts and feelings become more powerful as we pay more attention to them. Very often we hold them inside of ourselves. We also release them out into the physical universe and the world around us. Sometimes we do both.
Our thoughts are created at the deepest level and work their way up through our minds and eventually make their way to other people and places because we simply think about them. When we think about a person or a group, our thoughts which are charged with real energies have a way of finding that person or group even if we do not know where they are. That is because each person is unique and has their own individual energy fields much like physical DNA.
What I'm talking about here is practicing the art of self-control. Now this has nothing to do with stifling our own thoughts or feelings. This is everything to do with making sure that our thoughts are completely our own thoughts, that our thoughts are well thought out thoughts and that our thoughts are not harmful to ourselves and not harmful to others.
Not everybody likes everybody else and is quite natural to have negative feelings about people we do not like and I'm certainly not suggesting that we hold our feelings in. There is already too much of that.
We need to learn how to protect our energy fields so that emotional energies from others do not permeate into our energy fields in our emotional systems and shape our thoughts for us. We need to be in control of ourselves and no one else. The first step to shaping our own thoughts lies in protecting ourselves. All thoughts are nonphysical and have no physical components to them. All emotions are nonphysical and have no physical components as well. And so do not need to do anything physical in order to control and temper our own thoughts and emotions.
Why Control Our Thoughts and Emotions?
All of our thoughts and emotions are connected to us and if they are not powerful and not protected properly, then those emotional energies that work their way out into the world and into other people's minds with our own real personal energies attached to them much like a signature, then we have formed a connection with other people and sometimes unknown people. Throwing our emotions out in every direction such as anger and rage in every direction can have repercussions that we have never been taught about. Our thoughts are deeply connected with each one of us because we create them and those are our energy charges that are attached to each one of our thoughts. This is natural and this is positive. But it can be negative if we do not shape our thoughts to do what we want them to do and if are not careful about where we throw or send our thoughts.
Our emotions need to be tempered with intellect. The balance. Before we throw our feelings in any direction or towards anyone or any group, we should analyze very quickly if that thought or emotion is relevant or makes any sense. Analyzing our thoughts does not take any amount of time really. It should be a natural process of determining if it is in our best interest to say certain words or throw out emotions without understanding them. Now it could be argued that it is good to let out our emotions without analyzing them as they possibly may be pure emotions That need to be released. Yes that's true, but only in the proper environment. Not at the dinner table. Of course that's just one example. It's healthy to release our emotions. But there is a time and a place and venting are rage at the world and people we know and do not know is not an appropriate way to release emotions.
I am not saying to people that they should not get angry.
But anger should be tempered with intellect so that the thoughts are balanced and not out of your control. It simply self-control.
For a complete guide to a very easily understood and easily learnable practical scientific way to protect our energy fields, I will refer you to Chapter 5 of this essay: The Liquid Mirror. It is the best protection that I have to offer and it is also something that I took time to create while writing this essay. To be fair and accurate, it was really something taught to me by my spirit guides which came in the form of all of the information that once and so I wrote that chapter on protecting our energy fields while pondering ways to create a protection system that works immediately, is not religious but scientific, yet works with any religion or no religion at all.
Shaping Thoughts with Power
You have every right to your beliefs and thoughts and they are not my concern. We all are different and think differently and that is a good thing. Your thoughts have an energy to them. Each and every one of them. But each and every thought needs to be cared for because your thoughts do not simply go away. They last for long periods of time, sometimes hundreds of years. Emotional energies do not dissipate with time. They are not physical and do not react to physical deterioration. They have a tendency to accumulate in our living environments, are working environments, our body's energy fields and everyplace else that we visit, spent any time in and wherever people are or have been. So there is emotional energy everywhere.
Knowing your thoughts come from the very center of yourself, do not be so quick to verbalize your thoughts without thinking about what you are saying. Take a moment and analyze what you are about to say to make sure it is what you mean to say. How does this benefit me you might think to yourself? What kind of effect of what I intend to say will that have on those I am writing to or speaking to? This particular process can just take a couple of seconds, or you can take as long as you want. But please understand this: As you think about your thoughts and what you may write or say, you are actually giving them power.
And that is a good thing. The purpose of my essay is not to tell you what to think or what to believe. It is to make your thoughts more powerful, send them in the direction that you want to send them and keep them safe. Why? Because they are your thoughts and your thoughts are your responsibility on an energetic level. The danger for you is that all of your emotions are connected with you and if you are throwing out your emotions and every direction without first making them strong and safe, then others, some with bad intentions and some that may be confused or angry, can literally find their way back emotionally to you on an energetic level.
The thoughts that you think in the emotions that you feel and release naturally from your mind, mouth and keyboard are always connected to you because they are yours and it is your energy. Thoughts are precious and so are your energies and you want to make sure that you keep them where you want them to be.
So What Do I Mean by That?
That you are intimately connected to all of your thoughts and feelings, that your thoughts and feelings have charges that are emotional in nature and energetic in composition, is nonphysical science. Nonphysical science is not conceptual or hypothetical. It is how the nonphysical side of everything operates by scientific explanation. I have no issues with physical science. I am a believer because I believe that physical scientist are on the right track, they know as much as they can know as relates to everything physical and yet there is so much to learn about the physical universe. I really think that they are doing a great job at trying to find the source of all that is physical.
The area that I work in, my expertise is the science and natural laws of the nonphysical universe. Some people call this Heaven. Some people call this the other side. There are many names for the nonphysical universe. That does not take away from the beauty, the opportunities, the freedoms, the knowledge and all the other benefits that we partially enjoy right now and will fully enjoy one day in the future. All of us. On this level is where our thoughts begin.
All of our thoughts are nonphysical. All of our emotions are nonphysical. Our personalities are nonphysical. Our minds are nonphysical. Our brains are physical. Our bodies are physical. It was important to write that so that the distinction is made between what is physical and very temporary and what is nonphysical, very changeable and fluid, yet very eternal. I do not mean eternal and a religious sense. I simply mean that people simply separate from their physical body when may pass on and everything else remains the same. That should give you some comfort. I do not write this because of something that I read in a book. I went very deeply into chapter 3 about just one of the many experiences I have had in my unusual life. And so I can see a lot of these things. It is not a belief system to me and I do not ask you to believe. I would only ask that you read what I write and see if you can get something from that. Everything is written from my perspective and what I see. If I speak in absolutes like I know more than other people, then that is just ego. That is not how I write and that is not what I mean. Each one of us has a piece of the puzzle and I value your thoughts.
Treat your thoughts and emotions as the precious energies that they are. Your thoughts are coming from the deepest part of yourself and flowing up through your mind and out into the world. In order to shape your thoughts, you need to give them a little bit of thought itself. Take a moment and analyze what you are thinking. It gives of thought more power. It gives the emotion more power. That is one way to keep track of your emotions and thoughts. They are special and they need not be so hastily released without looking at them honestly and looking ahead at the repercussions of what you say, how you feel, and even what you do. What you do is an extension and byproduct of what you think and how you feel.
As a human race we have not been very careful about our thoughts and feelings especially lately. We get angry at each other for just having an opinion. Some of this is a byproduct of instant communication, mass communication and an overload of communication systems that are all coming into our perceptual fields like never before. And so it is absolutely necessary that we learn to care for our thoughts and feelings and what we say to people and even our actions.
This is not a lecture about what you should do. My reasoning is that if you do not take care of your thoughts, they will not be as powerful as you may wish them to be. If you do not take care of your emotions and analyze your emotions as they come up through your mind and you decide what to do with them, then they may end up where you do not want them to be on their intended purpose is wasted and can even be harmful for you or someone else. You are responsible for what you say, what you think and how you feel. How all of this came into play is very complicated as we all know. Life is hard. But as long as were interested in learning and growing as people, we might as well learn how to shape our thoughts into more powerful thoughts. That way we will not be susceptible to negative thoughts that may come from other people and in worst-case scenario, negative spirits with bad intentions.
Decorate your thoughts with beauty or anger, but take the time to decorate. Visualize your thoughts as lights. Your thoughts do have lights and look like lights on a visual level to many. Spend a few seconds visualizing positive thoughts with beautiful images attached to them, anything that comes to mind. Almost like you're decorating a Christmas tree or any holiday decorations.
For sending out more forceful thoughts that contain some really strong emotion or anger, make sure that you are thought is decorated with meanings that can make the receiver understand you better and perhaps even find common ground with all those you intend to see what you write or hear what you say.
All this will make your thoughts more powerful, create a stronger and straighter trajectory so they reach who you want them to reach, it also make sure that your emotions don't go flying in every direction which makes your thoughts weaker yet still connected to you. Unfortunately, that's very common and creates unnecessary emotional connections to other people and places and that can come back to you because you are connected to those thoughts and emotions. People can feel them and spirits can see those connections.
Take care of your precious thoughts and remember that this is about communication and communication is special and far far deeper than we may imagine.
The Violence of the Mind
A 5 New Part Essay by Jeffrey Seelman
Chapter 5 - The Liquid Mirror - The Ultimate in Personal Protection
Here is a very powerful protection technique that I developed over the last couple of months which was taught to me by spirits. Who would know better than spirits how to protect themselves, teach us how to protect ourselves and also how to create any and all things that are nonphysical. Nonphysical energy protection is not meant to affect physical reality. It is meant to solve and deflect nonphysical problems. Nonphysical devices are easily created to protect ourselves from nonphysical anything that is negative like others emotional states and even bad spirits.
This new method is called 'The Liquid Mirror'. It is more advanced and superior to other techniques and is meant to keep negative emotional energies far away from us.
What Is the Nonphysical?
Two very important levels of reality are the physical universe and the nonphysical universe. The physical universe consists of all the tables and chairs, houses, oceans and rivers, planets and suns, galaxies, physical bodies and just about everything else that we see with our eyes. The nonphysical universe consists of everything else. Our personalities, also known as our spirit or soul which is quite eternal, all of our emotions, our thoughts, our feelings, and an entire universe of unlimited space that operates by a very different set of principles that are based on natural law. By natural law I mean it is not written, but it is more like natural physical laws like gravity to use that analogy. Both universes have rules. Those rules can be used to create what we want. Both universes are connected.
How to Create Anything You Want Out Of Nonphysical Energy
Everywhere on all levels of physical and nonphysical reality there is a pervasive and natural energy that can be shaped into anything that you want it to be with the power of your mind alone. After we pass on, and we all do, then we are fully spirits. Right now there is a duality to each and every one of us. We are both spirits and humans at the same time. Every one of us. There is not much difference between a spirit and a living human being.
That is a good position to be in for many reasons. Spirits create their own reality by shaping energy form a source.
Shaping energy is accomplished by taking this pervasive energy and visualizing (shaping) it with a dose of belief in order to accomplish anything that any person or spirit would want to accomplish or create. The dose of belief is important because if you do not think that you can do it, then you will not be able to do it. You must believe in yourself even just a little. Spirits are just simply people without a physical body. That does not mean that they do not have a body. They do. It is just not physical. And they can do many things on a nonphysical level. This includes generating their appearance, as spirits can look like whatever they like to look like. If someone dies in a car accident at 80 years old they may wish to look as they did when they were younger. All they have to do is use this energy which is everywhere on all levels in unlimited amounts, and simply shape the energy to change their appearance, generate clothing (not cloth) or I should say what looks like clothing but is actually energy. We do not lose our sense of fashion when we die.
Spirits also create their own living environments such as homes, restaurants, concert halls and everything else by shaping energy. Sometimes they shape energy on an individual level and sometimes spirits shape energy on group levels. Spirits do not need food. But spirits like to eat for a variety of reasons including sampling energies for power enhancement, experiences and also social reasons. Food on a nonphysical level is not animal flesh nor is it grown in any ground. It is simply shaped energy that looks like food and tastes like what we want it to taste like. This process is much easier to accomplish than you may think. It is almost effortless. Yes, we do not change that much when we go to the other side. We still desire to do many of the same things that we did here on earth.
This is the science of how spirits create, travel and do just about everything that they do. Now we can use this science as well. We do naturally every day but we do not recognize it and we do not utilize it to its fullest potential.
So let's do that.
It is important for us to protect ourselves from negative emotional energies that are generated by other living people, people that have lived in our living environments in the past, people that we meet, people that we work with, people that we have or had relationships with and more. The problem is not always the people. The problem is the energies that we all generate and yet do not control very well. Humans generate emotional energies, both good and bad. It's only the bad energies that we need worry about.
So how do we protect ourselves? It's easier than you think.
I already have many protection systems that I designed, some with the help of my spirit guides which are quite numerous and also very nice. Everybody has guardian angels and spirit guides.
The Liquid Mirror: The energy of the universes is flowing up through each of us each and every day. Visualization, which only goes so far in the physical world, is the key to creation on a nonphysical level.
We need only turn up the power so to speak to create what we want to create on any nonphysical level. It is important to protect ourselves not only from negative emotional energy from people, words and imagery but also from things we cannot see like spirits with bad intentions. All thoughts have a power to them. Every single thought and verbal words do too. We are living in a sea of emotional energy because everyone around this is generating emotional energy. And that's not going to go away.
How to Create a Liquid Mirror for Protection
First, visualize this energy coming up through you which it is already. It is not in a finite amount and it is quite unlimited so please do not worry about mining for energy. It naturally comes up through us every day. Sometimes it helps to choose colors in order to visualize the energy coming up from the nonphysical systems and into our spirits in order to accomplish many goals. Visualize yourself effortlessly bringing up more of this energy into your body or spirit. Kind of like turning up a faucet. Shape the energy by thinking about it and visualizing this energy forming a large swimming pool or perhaps even a hot tub - like container. Visualize the energy from this incredible source filling up the swimming pool or "hot tub".I use hot tub as a reference because it may be easier for some people to visualize than a swimming pool. Whatever containment system works for you or that you can relate to on a physical level will work just fine. Try to accomplish this in 20 seconds or less.
It is not necessary to spend a lot of time creating nonphysical devices. My protection systems are meant to be brought up quickly anywhere you are.
As the energy is flowing, visualize and shape the energy into any color of protection that works for you through silent thought command. You can change colors any time. Give the energy a command that it will send negative energy back to the source. This may sound a little bit unusual but this also works perfectly. It is important to do this command silently in your mind as it works better and tends to attract a lot less attention because you can do this anywhere at any time. No sense alerting others to your desire to protect yourself.
The energy from the other side that is meant to be shaped will fill your pool with a nonphysical liquid that holds the property of a nonphysical mirror. It is not somebody else that is creating this, it is you. Everyone has this power and ability. This science works because you are creating nonphysical devices that only need to work on nonphysical energies like emotional energies or even negative spirits and all of this is on a nonphysical level. All spirits are nonphysical and they do not weigh anything in physical terms. Nothing that is nonphysical has any physical weight to it nor any physical properties. So all of this should be quite effortless and straining yourself and your mind is the enemy. Don't give yourself a headache. This is actually very easy to do and very effective. It should be stress-free.
Remember when you are shaping the energies that you want to give it a command. Something like: "I am creating this pool of energy in order to reflect back to the source all negative energies." Make it simple so as not to complicate that which is not complicated. The shaping of all nonphysical energies and the devices that you create are accomplished by command. All these commands are silent and this is how spirits shape energy so in a way I am teaching everyone how to think like a spirit. Since you are a spirit, I think you will find this useful.
Spirits can and do protect themselves very easily from negative emotional energies and also other spirits by using this technique. Shaping energy is not magic, wishful thinking nor illusion. It is nonphysical science. Emotional energy does not have a consciousness to it. All sentient beings have a consciousness or Individual Soul including people, animals, insects spirits, aliens and more.
Many people wonder what the soul is. One answer is:
It Is Everything besides Your Physical Body
Essentially your soul is you. Your personality, your feelings and everything that you are. And you are completely indestructible as you are held together by a force that none of us understand. If you saw this as being generated by God, or more than one, intelligent celestial forces from above, then I think that you are on the right track. I also don't think it really matters because there is enough for us to consider and deal with right here and now. I am not even sure that the Angels know exactly what God is. It is a bit beyond our understanding but it is also very comforting. Agnostics and atheists will also enjoy this technique as it only requires understanding a little nonphysical science and does not require a belief in a higher power. That is personal to everyone.
By creating this liquid mirror pool and immersing yourself in it for a few minutes or even a few seconds, you will emerge wearing a nonphysical liquid mirror that is like wearing body armor that is so comfortable you will not even know that you are wearing it. Why can't you feel it? because it is nonphysical and it does not weigh anything. It is meant to be comfortable. Spirits protect themselves and we should too. I have been teaching different kinds of mirror shield's and other protection systems for several decades. I usually teach them so that people create them from the inside out and are surrounded by them So that you are completely covered and protected. Creating systems from the inside out ensures that no part of you is exposed to negative emotional energies from other people or spirits with bad intentions which make up a very small portion of all spirits, but there are too many of them around here.
This is quite different as now you are actually wearing the gentle mirror. This makes it quite impossible for negative emotional energy from any source including people or spirits to affect your energy fields or your emotional systems. Remember that it only filters out negative emotional energy because you gave it that command. Positive emotional energy interactions with people and your spirit guides continue. It is so important that we protect ourselves. This world we live in is friendly and yet not always so friendly. Individuals have no idea how much emotional energy they send out into the world. When people speak they are sending out emotional energy, generating it in many directions at once, some deliberate and some not. When we think we are creating emotional energy. When we feel anything, we are creating emotional energy. Emotional energy can accumulate in our environments and also in our own body's energy fields. The positive stuff, no problem. The negative stuff, a real problem and the basis for many issues that we have in our minds and bodies. It can cause all sorts of trouble and it does.
And we don't even see it coming.
As we all know, many individuals in our societies on this planet have an interest in changing our feelings and emotions through advertising, news, videos and more by sometimes spreading and focusing on fear and scary scenarios. But it still produces emotional energy in very large amounts and we simply cannot let all this negative emotional energy affect us on an emotional or psychological level, because it does and it is meant to.
The Liquid Mirror Shield will not stop positive energy from entering into our systems because we are creating a filtering system by shaping the energy into a mirror that only sends back negative emotional energy to its original source. Negative emotional energies can be defined by nonphysical energies that have a negative effect upon our personal systems like our body's energy fields and our emotional/psychological systems. It acts as a filtering system letting in positive energy and yet sending negative energy back to where it came from...immediately and automatically, without thinking about it because the energy is already shaped to do that for us by creating the protection device like armor in the battlefield of our everyday life.
I don't think I'm being overly dramatic as we all know it is pretty rough out there in our world today. We need to be prepared and we need to be protected without negatively affecting other people. Simple and strong protection that is natural so that we come out of business meetings and any other place feeling okay and maybe even better than before. We did not pick out negative energy from other people that they because we are protecting ourselves. We are creating a nonphysical device or protection system that is only meant to protect ourselves from everything that is nonphysical which are actually most things. No, it will not protect you from a gun. But it will protect you from somebody's anger and the energies that go along with it.
Because you just created it. You created the device and the means to protect yourself. We do have the right to defend ourselves from the onslaught of emotional energies in places that we work, shop, visit and even where we live. We should also protect ourselves from the onslaught of those media forces that wish to generate fear and hatred. Of course this is only a portion of all media sources. Many are informational and also very entertaining. All media is not negative and can be beyond useful. But some is not. This includes social media which should not always be trusted. Most the time we are talking to strangers on the Internet and we need to protect ourselves. That's why we should not completely trust it. We cannot control it. It is not completely safe. Far from it. So we need to protect ourselves thoroughly. We should also protect ourselves from those we like and those we love. Everyone generates both positive and negative emotions and it is important to shield ourselves from negative emotional energies so that we are not affected. This will not disturb our relationships, but only enhance them.
The Liquid Mirror Shield is the best way, the most practical way and the simplest way to very quickly create a barrier to negative emotional energies which can have a very negative effect upon each and every one of us. Remember that this is not wishful thinking nor magic. There is an explanation for everything and creation and science mix together very well. They are not separate. They are intimately connected.
It is important to understand that You are creating a nonphysical mirror made out of nonphysical liquid and that no water or any other physical liquid should be used. So for safety reasons do not try this in your home swimming pool if you have one, bathtub or anything else. You are simply creating a nonphysical pool filled with nonphysical energies that have a known effect upon other nonphysical energies. Creating a non-physical pool and the nonphysical Liquid Mirror only takes a few seconds.
An alternate method that works well is visualizing the energy
flowing up through you and the liquid mirror naturally fitting over your physical skin or energy field. This is something closer to the other protection systems that I teach and may work better for you than visualizing a small pool of nonphysical liquid.
It is science and it works. Try this and see it works for you. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. This is not a fantasy but how things actually work on a nonphysical science level. Nothing that I teach is physical. Emotional energies are nonphysical. Our brain is physical, our minds are not. Most of what we are is nonphysical. Only our physical bodies. We are using nonphysical techniques to create devices that protect ourselves from nonphysical energies that are generated by people and spirits. Nonphysical energies can be found in every home, workplace, shop and individual person. They can also be found in and also contribute to group thinking. While group thinking can be useful, I can also be very dangerous when one is not aware of what they are doing nor producing energy wise.