Creating a More Powerful Spirit

Why you should be at your best in these difficult times

We are all now going through a process of change on many levels. Lots of economic troubles around our small world, and much anger and sadness. At the same time, the level of our consciousness and perceptions are changing. For the better. The human race is actually becoming more advanced day by day. We all have some psychic ability, naturally and easily because we are spirits. We are spirits and living people in the physical universe at the same time. There is so much negativity in our world today.

But what is emotional energy?

Emotional energy is created and generated by all living people and spirits.

Some energies are good for us. Some are not. Our bodies instinctively know the difference between the energies that are right for us, and the ones that are wrong. The emotional energies that we all generate can get stuck or accumulate not only in our own body's energy fields, but in our living and working environments, and any place that we come into contact with. Because everyone is generating emotional energy all the time, we are constantly being bombarded by the emotional energies of others. And the accumulation of emotional energy from the past and present, in living and working environments, can have profound effects upon our emotional and physical health.

What to do about it?

Because emotional energies are real energies, although not physical in nature, they do affect us on multiple levels. But emotional energy is not physical in nature, and practical psychic defense against any and all negative or harmful energies must be practiced on that same level. The first step is creating more powerful aura. And the aura is not just a bunch of pretty lights. It has a practical purpose, like every part of our physical and nonphysical body. The aura is our first defense against negative and harmful emotional energies that we come in contact with every day. If it is not functioning properly, and in most people it is not functioning as well as it could be, our bodies energy fields literally becomes weak and open to the emotional energies that are generated by others, or have accumulated in environments.

There is a practical method to creating a stronger aura, and the techniques I teach can be learned and operational within 60 minutes. Our aura is a natural part of our own body's natural energy shields, self-defense mechanism. There is a natural process to dramatically improving the effectiveness and power of one's aura. And quickly.

Both negative people and negative spirits can greatly amplify our emotional states.

Having the ability to protect yourself from negative emotional energy from people and spirits, environments, co-workers, people you have lived with, either now or in the past, or have spent any time with, and you naturally begin to release more and more trapped emotional energy that are trapped in your body's energy fields from the past.

The techniques I teach appeal to, and work with, all religions, spiritual beliefs, or no belief systems at all. Non physical sciences operate quite efficiently and beautifully in that part of ourselves, and in the non physical universe on which level our spirit or soul exists.

There is a science to this. Practical methods that work right away to help you be the master and controller of your own space. The king or queen of your own body's energy fields. It's that important. There's so much negativity and negative feelings in the world today, and that may not get better for a while.

And yet it can affect you less and less.

It's your choice. But at least knowing how to protect yourself will give you the opportunity to use your natural protection systems when you need it most.



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